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Why is astrology making twenty-first-century comeback/ Best Astrologer in Coimbatore/ Best astrology consultation in Coimbatore/ Why astrology consultation is important today Astrology has been around for centuries, but recently i’ts popularity has been revitalised, thanks to modern technology. Nowadays, people are researching the ancient art of horoscope prediction using their smartphones. There are even websites that offer free predictions while other apps provide detailed information about your future. Astrologists have always used astronomy as a major tool to make predictions. This is because celestial bodies govern our daily lives and behaviours. We can’t avoid them; they are constantly present in our sky. And since they influence us, we are interested in knowing what they predict. A study published in New Scientist Magazine indicated that astrology is still alive and well. Experts say many reasons contribute to its current revival, including social media platforms like Instagram, and the increased interest in spirituality. If you want to know more about astrology, or your personal horoscope chart, do contact Sai Nilayam Astrology Research Center at Coimbatore.
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