Western as
Sai Nilayam Astrology Research Centre
Western astrology vs Vedic astrology/ western char and vedic chart/ how does western chart differ from vedic c

Western astrology vs Vedic astrology/ western char and vedic chart/ how does western chart differ from vedic chart/Best Astrology services in Coimbatore/ Best Astrology consultation in Coimbatore/ Best Astrologer in Coimbatore. Western astrology is based on charts in the tropical calendar. Whereas, Vedic astrological charts are calculated using something called the sidereal system, which looks at the transit and analysis of stars and planets. Under certain circumstances, Vedic astrology is more accurate and reliable than those based on Western astrology. In western astrology, yearly prediction is done using the sun sign. Therefore, all persons who are born in the same month fall into the same sun sign. Accordingly, both astrology has their very own characteristics and depends upon the persons who believe them from various perspectives. To know more about astrology and related doubt, feel free to contact Sai Nilayam Astrology Research Centre in Coimbatore. Also, we give you various services like astrology Consultations, Medical Astrology, Palmistry, numerology, Gemmology, horoscope, Matchmaking, marriage match, couple compatibility, predictions, and Vasthu. Other astrological consultations include buying/selling properties and starting new ventures.

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